Daily Archives: January 25, 2008

The bug left, now the fat!

I’m better. The bug (or was it the Chinese left-overs?) is out of my system and I’m up and eating again. Which is NOT a good thing. Have I mentioned I feel and look fat? Well I do. My pants are tight, my shirts are tight… a girl can’t live in only skirts and dresses you know, especially not in the middle of the freezing winter.

What am I to do? I started going to the gym again, but I know that alone won’t do it, especially when I only manage to go twice a week. But for the life of me, I can’t stop eating. And we all know what I like to eat: sweets!

How do you guys control your sweet-craving? How do you stop wanting to eat brownies, cookies, ice cream, cake, cupcakes, tarts, pies, candy, and the sort? How? I’ve tried, believe me I have, and I have succeeded for a limited period of time. This time around I am having no luck. My determination hasn’t really hit “right on” yet, and I haven’t made any declarations of war on food and decided to diet, but I think I’m getting there, slowly, surely and fatty!

I so DESPISE gaining weight! You hear that weight? I despise you. Go away! … Did it work? Lets check. No. Still here. Damn!