Daily Archives: January 30, 2008

My Post #300!

Wow I’ve shared a lot of my life and myself with you guys, 300 posts! That’s a lot right? And in the spirit of sharing, I will share 7 random things about me, which you might or may not know. You see, Beth from Boatshedchic tagged me a few days ago and I promised I would do this, and what better way to celebrate an anniversary (or is it a bloggerversary?) than with a meme?

1.- I am compulsively organized, I mean, we’re talking borderline OCD.

2.- The first time I ever lived alone (completely by myself) was when I was 32 years old, and I now wonder, how will I ever live with someone again?

3.- My favorite ice cream flavor since I was 4 has been Orange Sherbet from Baskin-Robbins. But for some reason it’s impossible to find. I now settle for Our Strawberry Blonde from Cold Stone.

4.- My favorite color has always been Blue, in all of its shades, but for some reason I now love Green (I mean seriously love, you should see my living room).

5.- I wash my hands more than a dozen times of day. I love the feel and smell of clean hands. Come to think about it, I love all good smells. That might explain my perfume collection and my obsession to wear them.

6.- I used to “talk” to my nephew way before he was even conceived. We have a strong and special bond. I love that kid.

7.- If I had loads of money I would spend it on art and jewelery. Both pleasures I allow myself only when I can over indulge.

Ok, so there you have it. Seven little things about me that you might have not known. Care to share yours?