Daily Archives: January 8, 2008

Golf anyone?

On Sunday I went out with my friend Tom again. This time we were determined to have sushi no matter how much we had to wait, so we went to a different place, one a friend of Tom had recommended in Las Mercedes. La Mercedes is a trendy place in Caracas filled with restaurants, clubs, malls, and the like, although since it was Sunday it was pretty low key.

We had dinner at Hirosaki. The rolls and salad were delicious, the service was promt, and there wasn’t much of a wait, perfect! Unfortunately, I didn’t take any pictures there. I always seem to forget to take pictures when I’m eating. I guess I’m too focused on the food, the company and the conversation to remember to take out my camera.

Anyhow, after dinner we were going to see Tom’s new apartment. He just bought a place a few months back and recently moved, and is of course very excited about it. But we got distracted and before going to his place we stopped by a sports center called La Cinta, for some golf practice. Yep, you read right, golf at around 8 pm!!! I too thought he was joking when he asked “golf?”, but when he went into the sports center, I realized it wasn’t a joke.

I had never been to a place like this. It was fun and this time I did take my camera out! They gave us baskets with balls, which looked like we had just made our rounds through a chiken pen, there were a lot of balls!

Of course Tom swings with style

I, on the other hand, am a little stiff

This time, better

Warming up, now without the sweater

And a little “a-ss-ction”

Of course there was a little drinking

And a little goofing-off too