Daily Archives: January 13, 2008

Weird or is someone sending a message?

Tom – “Take this movie, I think you’ll like it”

The movie: “The Fountain”. The protagonist’s name: Tom. The theme: the search for the cure to death and eternal life, based on undying love. Our talk today on what we want: unconditional, bidirectional love.

Mom – walks in from the beach in the middle of the movie “oh, they were showing that movie at the club tonight too”.



Me – “Have you seen my earings? I took them off here and now I can’t find them.” Looking at her, she has the same earings (hers) on. “Why did you chose to where those earings? The same ones I just lost and can’t find?”

Mom – “Don’t know. And I hadn’t worn these in ages. How weird.”

Coincidences? Synchronizities!