A little reality doesn’t hurt either

Yesterday I had a very insightful conversation with a very special friend. A friend who came to be in a very serendipitous way. I guess you could say it was fate. And because of my conversation with him today I came to understand that I have been holding on and hoping for something that has a close to negative possibility of happening. No matter how much I give, I hope, and I do, there’s a limited amount of miracles allotted for every relationship, and my friend helped me understand that I might have just ran out of miracles for this one, at least for now.

As you know, C and I had agreed we would give us a fair chance. We committed ourselves to time, emotional closeness, and monogamy, knowing that given the circumstances (his work style and the distance) this would be no easy task. The fist 4 to 6 weeks were good. He really lived up to his commitment of not going MIA beautifully, and I truly appreciated it. But then things started to fall back into the old behavioral patterns, and by the time we finally got to see each other again I was a bit disappointed. The meeting was good, nothing breathtaking, but ok. The time spent was ridiculously short in terms of what I was expecting he would plan for, so needless to say I was disillusioned. I tried to tell him, talk to him about it, but he was swamped (there is really no excuse for not making time to talk and sort things out, but this was his reality at least) and it never quite happened.

The sum of it is: I gave this a shot, and feel happy I did so. I will not have to live with the “what if”, and I am at peace with my conscious knowing I did all I could to make this work. He, on the other hand, did not live up to his end of the deal. He committed himself to something he then did not do, and to me that is unacceptable. So in my mind (because I haven’t heard a word from him in over two weeks) this is over, and if he knows me as well as I think he does, he also understands there’s no way to go from here.

I’m sadden that it ended like this, and kept on thinking I needed to talk to him to be able to get some closure. But I realized I really don’t. We were close friends once upon a time, and because of it I felt this required a bit more sensitivity and consideration, but those are two things I never got from him. There is no expectation on my part that he will come around, change, or even try to fix this, and I obviously cannot do this by myself. So you see, it is over.

I am determined to be responsible and take care of myself, even if that means protecting me from me, as ridiculous as that may sound. I know that he will repeat the behavior given the chance, and the truth is there never has been any major consequences to his behavior, so why change it, right? This ends here. My friend helped understand that I have idolized C and made him to be, in my mind, something he is not. So I will follow my friend’s suggestion and move into reality, remembering the good parts alongside the bad, and seeing him for what he is, and not what I wish he were.

So I am saying goodbye to what I made him/us to be, to the potential that never was, and to my hopes of better times. I am embracing reality, what is, and moving on, one step at a time. Yes, flexibility is needed, but a little reality doesn’t hurt either.

Goodbye C. Thank you for what we had, but no thank you. I want more.

15 responses to “A little reality doesn’t hurt either

  1. (((HUGS))) that’s not an easy spot to be in, but sometimes throwing in the towel is the best decision. It sounds like it was in this case. I’m glad you aren’t settling for less than you need, want or deserve.


  2. this is an amazing declaration of self-love and i am so proud of you! i know how hard this must be but when we choose ourselves, it’s very empowering. to know you want more and not settle? that’s good stuff!you’ve just opened the door to possibility- good for you. 🙂


  3. Good for you. I don’t know your history, but it sounds like you didn’t settle for less. It’s a nice feeling to be empowered, isn’t it?Now go out and do something fun this weekend!


  4. Good for you Jenn. Living without regret is great as is taking care of yourself. Sets the stage for the next relationship to be better.


  5. No hay nada mejor que cuando uno dice hasta aquí..me parece muy bien eso de los no regrets…tu le apostaste y eso es lo que importa…no siempre se gana pero siempre se aprende….y eso es ganar..abrazos Jen…


  6. Good for you Jen!!!!


  7. weekends – thanks for the hugs : ) I’m glad too. sizzle – thank you sizz! You made me tear up and all…jarod – it is a very nice feeling. Will do!mike – yep, setting the stage is a great to put it. pillo – es asi, cero remordimiento y tranquilidad metal. Asi es que me gusta hacer las cosas a mi. Y aprender? Gracias a Dios siempre nos queda la leccion aprendida! Gracias Pillo!ssc – thanks!


  8. It’s good that you saw all this for what it was. Being in a new setting sometimes clears the head, and we all need that to make good decisions. Good Luck going forward, I’m sure the future looks a little brighter, because it’s a little clearer…


  9. Epale chama. Que cosa! Bueno la vida es asi a veces. Pero que bien que tubiste la claridad para tomar la decision correcta y de darte cuenta que estabas proyectando una imagen en C que no era lo que estaba pasando. Sigue con fe y pa’ lante que cosas bonitas siempre estan en uno mismo y no los demas! Esto es lo que llamo BLOGGING DE TERAPIA, que bien!


  10. buffalo – I agree, it’s crucial to see things in the “proper” light. I too hope things will not only look, but actually be brighter. I guess we’ll see soon enough. roman – es asi, generalmente las respuestas estan mucho mas cerca de lo que uno cree, y con frecuiencia en uno mismo. Me rei mucho con esto de blogging de terapia! Definitivamente para mi escribir es un total desahogo. Gracias por visitarme : )


  11. Awww reality checks suck don’t they? And hope can make us blind sometimes to reality…Well as the others have said, closing one door means another can open. It hasn’t yet (early days for you!!) but it will.And we should never settle for second best, to be honest, if he was that bad only a month in, imagine a year or two, or three down the line.Hope you’re ok…. xx


  12. sarjent – totally suck, but what can one do? Thanks, I’m ok, moving along. It actually hasn’t hit me quite as hard as I thought it would… hmmm, I hope there’s no hidden side effect here!


  13. Glad to see that you’re able to work through what seems like a difficult period for you. Sometimes it’s all just a matter of perspective, I suppose.


  14. Seems like everyone has said it already, but still: Good for you! Life is too short to settle.


  15. joe – I think you are right on, it’s seems to be a lot about perspectives and timing. Thank you Joe!not so little woman – thank you, yes, I agree it seems too short.


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