Daily Archives: September 6, 2007

We make no sense

Last night while very bored I decide to give my friend Craig a visit, and read some of the very funny/interesting/weird things people say they are looking for. If you’ve never been to Craig’s you need to check it out, especially the personal adds, they are hilarious! But be careful, some people aren’t shy at ALL about sharing, and they go all out with their pics, so if you’re easily offended you might want to skip it.

Anyhow, this time around I noticed a lot of adds stating interest in varied SM activities, but all seem to end with questions like “Does this make me strange?” or “Is this just too weird?”, some were even titled “I need your advice”, or “I want your opinion”. What is it with this excessive need for approval? It’s an anonymous personal add placement, who cares what others think? Right? Apparently, wrong!

And then this morning while trying to wake up to my iTunes shuffle, I hear Crazy by Gnarls Berkley, and it’s also about “Do you think I’m crazy for being who I am and liking what I like?” and then, even worse, the singer goes on to state that he thinks the other person is crazy because they are the way they are. What’s with the judgment? I thought he didn’t want to be judged in the first place. Have we not heard of the golden rule “Do not do unto others…”?

This is so typical of us humans. We seek approval, we want to be accepted by others and then when they think we’re weird or crazy, we lash out at them and state that the crazy ones are them, passing judgment like there’s no tomorrow… the first thing we would have NOT wanted them to do to us. Now where’s the logic here? It’s the same issue I have with the death penalty, what is the logic behind “ok, so you killed someone, now we are going to remedy this by killing you, because of course now you’ll understand that killing is wrong!”?

No sense I tell you, we make no sense.