Deciphering the future

My best dreams are my afternoon-nap ones. I remember them vividly and they are always insightful. The one I had today was incredibly interesting, or at least to me.

I was playing with my tarot cards (yes, I read the cards, you don’t know everything about me you know) early this afternoon, asking the typical “what will happen with…” questions, and after my session, I feel asleep. In my dream I was in my apartment in NYC and my parents were visiting, staying with me. I was in my room and walked out to the living room to talk to them, and on my way back to the room I noticed that in the place of my hallway closet I had a washer and drier (this must have been wishful thinking for sure!), and the bathroom had been changed, renewed or something (more wishful thinking), and then I noticed my closet door was opened and as I peeked in I realized things were missing. There was more space that I have now, like things had not been placed in yet. In my dream I thought, is this the past? Is this a time before now and the current state of my apartment? But no, it can’t be, it seems as things have been improved, so it must be a future time, a time yet to come, right? So I started looking closer into the contents of my closet. There were a bunch of school materials stacked on the floor: crayons, flash cards, markers, play dough, etc. The sort of stuff you would have in a preschool classroom, but I had tons of them, enough to furnish a whole school. I thought, do I open up a preschool in the future? But these things seem to be the remainders of something that was, so could it be that I opened up a preschool and then closed it for some unknown reason?

If this was the future and I had missed a chunk of time (from the actual present to this point in time) then the preschool situation must have happened sometime in the past that I hadn’t yet lived in this actual time. Are you following? I know this is a bit strange, but I woke up thinking WOW, maybe this is the key to unlocking the future, to see it in little pieces that are not necessarily sequential, but that when all put together they make a somewhat linear story.

There was another object I found in my closet which was very interesting. It was a little brown mesh bag, that when opened contained a little broken brown glass bowl. I thought “I could cut myself with this if I’m not careful, maybe I should throw it out? But no, if I remove anything from this place I’ll change the past and then the future will be different, and this might not even be here for me to discover…” I woke up at this point a little confused and way excited to be very close to understanding time and how we live it… if that is possible at all.

Do you remember your dreams at all? Care to share some?

6 responses to “Deciphering the future

  1. Los sueños que consigo recordar, son premonitorios en su mayoría; aún no aprendo bien a controlarlos como para decir cuando pasarán pero tengo bien comprobado que se dan.Eeey! no conocía esa faceta “brujita” tuya! así que eres de mi club? jaja


  2. Yo sueño mucho..le pido a mi inconsciente que me diga las respuestas con mis sueños…muchos son muy confusos y tengo que procesarlos y armarlos como rompecabezas…mi terepeuta me dijo que los apuntara en cuanto me despertara porque así recuerdas más cosas….yo creo totalmente en que siempre traen mensajes…


  3. Dreams? Not often do I recall any, and I probably don’t read too much into the ones I do remember…


  4. lau – que nota que tienes sue#os premonitorias (yo tambien a veces) y que eres brujita! Buenvenida al club!pillo – si, coincido contigo que los sue#os tienen mensajes, generalmente del inconsciente que nos quiere decir algo. Esta buena la tecnica de pedir so#ar con alguna pista en particular, lo voy a intentar. buffalodickdy – if you make an effort to remember them you will, and more so if you share them with someone. Dreams, I think, are a very useful tool to solve some of our problems.


  5. So interesting! I’m fascinated by the fact that we can be surprised or puzzled *in* our dreams … our own mind be startled at, or wondering about, scenes that another part of the *same mind* has created! (Does that make any sense?) It’s truly a case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, in a way…


  6. helen – that is quite interesting, I don’t think I had seen it that way before. We are amazing creatures, that’s for sure!


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