Mystery solved and now a new problem

Do you remember those stains I had in my bathtub? The ones I had no explanation for? The ones, accompanied by other inexplicable things that had happened, that lead me to think my bathroom might be haunted? Well, I found the explanation for the stains, and unfortunately, it’s not a ghost.

I was standing in front of the bathroom sink, about to brush my teeth, when I felt a drop on the back of my leg, I looked back, and then I felt another one, and another one. I looked up, and through the light fixture in the ceiling, down the screw holes, was dripping water. I stared at it in disbelief, but down kept coming water through the little holes.

So I figured I’d get a container to hold the water, because it was starting to speed up while it came down.

The container quickly filled up and I got a bigger one. While I panicked, and went upstairs to knock on my neighbor’s door, but got no answer. I wrote an email to my landlord, and called Mike, who was in DC and could do nothing about it. But he had a brilliant idea, “write a note and leave for my upstairs neighbor”! Since the water was coming from upstairs, the source must be in her apartment, right? I left a note and came back down, the second container was filling up quickly too, and also splattering water all over the bathroom flor. So I got an even bigger one.

That’s when I heard a noise coming from behind the bathtub curtain. When I opened it, I saw this:

The stains, again! I looked up and guess what?

It was coming down from the ceiling! All that time, I was thinking the bathroom was haunted, it wasn’t. Duh. It was water dripping down from the ceiling, down into the tub.

Well, that mystery is solve. Now to fix this leaking problem. I really hope it doesn’t turn into a nightmare, because from yesterday’s post, we all know I’ve had enough of those lately, right? Right!

2 responses to “Mystery solved and now a new problem

  1. Oh dear! That sounds like a familiar problem at my building. We have shoddy pipes and slowly our plumbers have been replacing them. There have been a lot of holes torn into ceilings and patch jobs in the last year. Total hassle. Hope it can be fixed quickly!


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